Oct 3, 2017

Avocado Mashala Paratha

Avocado paratha is the most easy and humble way to add avocado in your diet (even if you don't like the taste of it). The basic idea is to replace the water in your chapati dough with avocado pulp ... completely or partially. Without adding any extra oil you will get chapatis that are much softer than the usual ones. The fat in avocado is good enough to make the chapati/paratha soft and delicious .....  A good choice for travel or lunch box. You will get all the benefits of avocado without tasting it a lot in your food.
Here what I have made is basically a mashala paratha by replacing the water with avocado pulp.

Avocado Mashala Paratha  

(Serves - 2)

Avocado - One (medium sized)
Onion - one small
Lemon - half
Green chillis -1
Cilantro - a few springs
Blak salt/ regular salt - 1 tsp or as per taste
Whole cumin (jeera) - 1 tsp
Dry red chili - one
Whole wheat flour (Chapati atta) - 1 cup or as required
Little oil for frying

  • Dry roast one teaspoon jeera and one dry red chili together, grind coarsely and keep aside.
  • Cut the avocado in half and scoop the pulp in a bowl. Immediately sprinkle with lemon juice to prevent oxidation and mash it with back of a fork.
  • Chop onion, green chili and cilantro finely. Add to the pulp along with salt and roasted jeera powder. Give a good mix. (at this point you can add one teaspoon oil for an extra soft texture).
  • Now start adding atta little at a time to make a soft dough. The amount of atta will vary depending on the size and ripeness of the avocado ... so adjust accordingly.
  • Cover the dough with little bit of oil and keep covered for roughly half an hour. Make big lemon sized balls from the dough ... this amount will make around 4-5 balls. Keep the balls covered for 10 minutes.
  • Dip the balls in flour one at a time, roll and fry on a skillet smearing little oil on both sides.
  • Keep them covered until ready to serve.

Serving suggestion:
Serving with pickle, salad and/or Raita is enough. For a more elaborate meal serve with your favorite aloo sabji or spicy daal recipe. Here I have served it with Til-Moongphali aloo and Cucumber raita.

As I mentioned earlier here the basic idea is to replace the water in the chapati dough with avocado pulp to make it softer and healthier (and also to use up that over ripe avocado sitting in your pantry for long). So all the other ingredients I have used are optional. Feel free to play with your own mashalas ..... Kasuri methi, Ajwan, Garlic are few other options. 
If you want to make greater quantity of dough then simply add more flour and use extra water/ buttermilk to bind it together.

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