About SHE

Hi! I am Ipsita. A Bengali girl currently living in Bangalore with my husband and ..... umm ..... this is where I get stuck every time in a workshop or similar social gathering when they ask me the obvious question "tell something about you..." what can I tell about me that others may care to know! .... so I start feeling nervous and always try to seat at the end of the row hoping that when they reach me most people would feel overwhelmed with lots of information and won't care to give much ear to what I am telling. .... you got it right! I have social anxiety and don't like to talk much about myself.

Well, then what is this blog about? Just as the name suggests .... Sleep Happy everyday! That's what I do and that's what I would like to do for rest of my life  ..... sounds simple? Yah! that it should be ..... but practically not so simple .... I guess!
Nope, I'm not a working mom juggling hard and perfectly balancing between many responsibilities of life. I, here, lead a reasonably peaceful life ..... getting spoiled blessed by all the supports I need in life. I really feel thankful to everything and everyone surrounding me for this beautiful journey of life. But still it is not sunshine all the time (obviously!) .... I also have my fair share of burdensome chores, frustrations, low times .... but that are not enough to put me off for a long time .... a morning dewdrop, a sprouting seed or an unexpected welcome from an unknown dog in an unnamed lane are enough to cheer me up again!
"It's the simple things in
life that keep us from
going crazy: a pigeon in
the skylight, sunshine,
birdsong, the bedside book,
the potted geranium...."
                                                          (A Little Book of Life: Ruskin Bond

So, when there is "Sunshine", I love to hop from one flower to another just like a small butterfly unable or unwilling to settle on a single one. Just in case you follow my blog, you may find me sometime whipping up a recipe in the kitchen, sometime digging soil in our terrace garden, sometime dipping clothes in herbal dyes or making a stained glass butterfly (my favorite) in my single table workshop ..... and obviously traveling to our hearts content! So this blog is going to be (if it really sustains) a variegated color palette of my life moments that give a blissful feeling of contentment.

Wait! Do you remember what I wrote at the beginning? ...." I don't like to talk much about myself"! .....actually I talk a lot of  "nonsense" if I get really nice listeners... for example, the street dog "Maya" (an interesting character .... will talk about him later), "Elokeshi" the cat who visits our terrace time to time or my husband ...... they have a similarity .....when I talk the nonsense, all of them make an innocent face ... apparently listening to me .... with a faraway look (and an occasional twinkle in their eyes) ..... no question asked, no objection raised .... how convenient!

But, here,  I would definitely love to listen from you .... please do write remarks, feedback or whatever you would love to share in the comment section below!
Thanks for stopping by .... stay connected ..... and Sleep Happy Everyday!

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