Mar 8, 2019

Buy one get one extra bunch of spinach .... fresh from your garden and save the seeds as bonus!!

flower stem of spinach

How about that? You went to your favourite organic vegetable vendor and got a bunch of fresh spinach .... with the roots intact! What will you do with it? Cook the leaves and throw the roots... Wait! You can get much more ..... you can get another super fresh bunch of spinach and lots and lots of spinach seeds to provide you spinach for a lifetime! Feeling like Popeye the Sailor? Come on ... spinach is really good for your health! Why not get some extra and that too at no extra cost except your labour of love!

Jan 23, 2019

Brahma Kamal & Brahma Kamal:
Nature's Double Bonanza

Brahma Kamal! Lotus of Brahma .... the god of creation! That too straight from Nandan Kanan ...the garden of haven! That was enough to impress a 10 years old kiddo's mind .... courtesy to my uncle who has just returned from the Valley of Flowers- Hemkund Sahib trek and brought a few dry flowers loosely wrapped in a news paper! I was thrilled to have a look of it! uncle opened the pack carefully to revel the flowers with a great air of suspense! But that light brown paper-thin wilted petals failed miserably to wow the mind of the little girl!

Fast forward a quarter century.... we live in a small house in Bangalore with a tiny backyard garden. The garden has a few known-and-unknown plants planted by the earlier tenants. It was Summer and the plants were trying to cope with the harsh weather in a very dry rubbish laden soil. There was a unique plant with tall branches/leaves growing in every direction in a very haphazard manner ... no sense of symmetry at all! But anyway this guy was doing well in that drought condition! Then came the rain. We didn't give it much attention until one cloudy morning we suddenly saw a big flower bud coming up from nowhere .... actually it was attached to a leaf of the plant ..... something that I have never seen before!

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