Jan 10, 2018

Stop, Look and Listen

Everything natural - every flower, tree,
and animal - has important
lessons to teach us if we would only
stop, look, and listen.

                                                         (by Eckhart Tolle)

Once in a while I post on what is happening there ....just outside our matchboxes ... if we can manage a little time to pause and look .... and feel. One need not to go to the wild to see the life ...just a step out to your terrace or balcony and look ..... sooo many things are happening there ... you will find something new, something fascinating .... it's a promise!

This time my pictures are mostly from our terrace garden and surrounding.  We were not in town for around a month ....who knew nature had so many new things in her basket to surprise us!

To start with... the Strawberries! First time ever in our garden.....

Most were tiny... but  brilliantly red, juicy and flavorful with a sweet-sour taste ..... these are the REAL things! Super happy!

Next the Leaf lettuces .... they are looking gorgeous and eye soothing too! Last year I tried to grow them in winter .... but for a villain .... a rodent whose only goal in life was to destroy any "possibility" in our garden! Well ... one night he found his way to heaven and possibly now destroying god's own garden! Please god! No early reanimation for this guy .... please!

 I tried to grow one batch when it was raining here in Bangalore as the weather was cooler ... they grew well but were not this gorgeous! Season matters!

After providing us with fresh salad greens for a long time, the last batch has now been in seed state ....I'm collecting the seeds .... don't know if they will sprout again or not! Will check that soon ....

My single sweet basil plant is also looking promising with lots of flower stems that have started to settle into seeds (Sabja).... planning to try  those pretty looking (and healthy too) basil-seeds-drinks that are the IN thing in the market nowadays!

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