Dec 2, 2017

A Mud Dauber Wasp in our garden

I was working in the terrace garden, tending soil in the antherium pot .... suddenly heard the typical buzzzzz.....  and looked up. She was there ... just in front of me at eye level ..... gliding in the wind .... shining brightly in the morning sun. I have seen wasps earlier but she was one of a kind least I have never seen this combination earlier! A bright yellow banded with jade black and a perfect waist line (literally).....  you have to admire her beauty even if you hate wasps! I immediately reached out for my camera and tried to shoot her .... failed....tried to focus again ... and she vanished! Conveniently blaming my old camera I concentrated in my gardening. While turning the pot I noticed a small mud construction with an open mouth ... a wasp's nest!

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