Nov 8, 2017

Composting ..... and a blissful afternoon

It had been a long long time since we worked with our compost. These days we do all our composting activities in the terrace .... yah! we have that luxury now! It really seems a luxury to me as we don't need to keep watch of the line of ants or maggots scrawling inside our living room, and mugs full of leaches coming out of the bin along with the stinking smell (specially when it rains heavily) ..... we had to tackle all these when we had our bins in the balcony adjacent of the living area in our earlier apartment. We even got a beehive once inside the composter :)
These bees made their hive inside a composting pot .... are not they very cute?
Now after a reasonably long experience of composting, we follow the mantra "let it be.....". That has became much easier after we shifted the whole system to the terrace. The maggots are creating waves of life (literally) inside the bin ..... let it be! The ants have chosen the cozy, cool interior of the big earthen composter as their maternity home ..... let it be! Rodents are visiting every night .... fine! The mix is not so balanced as the weather is very humid .... okay .... let it be! ... all of these are perfectly natural!  life has became so simple when we just accept it ... as it is!

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